The pragmatic option would be to run only a smoketest for build success
on architectures not tested by upstream.
And have Format->Character in Impress crash with Bus error like on
mipsel? That doesn't sound too good for basic quality.
There is a "smoketest" but it does just basic start. open, close stuff.
Not even basic usage.
The problem with a mail like this is that it really doesn't help anybody
in understanding the problem. As porter, it will probably take a lot of
time to get to the point where you can start looking at what the problem
might be. It contains lots of information, but it's not clear what the
problem is and what needs to be looked at.
(process:8700): dconf-CRITICAL **: 02:36:13.575: unable to create directory
'/run/user/2952/dconf': Permission denied. dconf will not work properly.
(process:8708): dconf-CRITICAL **: 02:36:19.328: unable to create directory
'/run/user/2952/dconf': Permission denied. dconf will not work properly.
(process:8815): dconf-CRITICAL **: 02:36:52.467: unable to create directory
'/run/user/2952/dconf': Permission denied. dconf will not work properly.
Is this something the porter should look at? Is is relevant?
Fatal exception: Signal 11
It's a segfault, this should normally be trivial for you to debug,
but is probably complicated for a porter to find out how to do things
like attaching a debugger to the relevant process.
Is this some openjdk problem, not a problem in libreoffice problem?
./smoketest/smoketest.cxx:187:(anonymous namespace)::Test::test
assertion failed
- Expression: connection_.isStillAlive()
So the (TCP?) connection is not alive? Why not? That doesn't seem to be
platform specific. Is that a problem in the test suite, and not
libreoffice itself?
unknown:0:(anonymous namespace)::Test::test
tearDown() failed
- An uncaught exception of type com.sun.star.lang.DisposedException
- Binary URP bridge already disposed at ./binaryurp/source/bridge.cxx:1048
(anonymous namespace)::Test::test finished in: 76764ms
Test name: (anonymous namespace)::Test::test
assertion failed
- Expression: connection_.isStillAlive()
##Failure Location unknown## : Error
Test name: (anonymous namespace)::Test::test
tearDown() failed
- An uncaught exception of type com.sun.star.lang.DisposedException
And then the test suite crashes because it can't actually deal
with the previous the assertion failure, and the segfault above
is not relevant at all?
The most likely thing is that this is not a platform specific issue,
but a either a general issue that just shows up on some platforms for
whatever reason, or some problem in an other piece of software that
libreoffice is using that does have a pratform specific issue.